Public Procurement

Public / sectoral procurement is one of the priority areas of any local or central authority, the correct implementation of which contributes to the development of the economic and social infrastructure, to the provision of public services, as well as to increasing trust in state institutions.

The expertise and consulting services in the field of public/sectoral procurement offered are the following:


Implementation of the ANNUAL public procurement STRATEGY


Consulting in updating the annual public procurement program


Consulting in choosing the correct procedure and in establishing a calendar of the procedure that will include the outline of all the steps from the drafting of the documents necessary for the procedure to the conclusion of the contract


Consultancy in carrying out award procedures and direct purchases:

  • creation of the award documentation: drafts of necessary reports, procurement strategy of the contract, content of the invitation, declarations of the contracting authority/entity, model forms, draft contract, specifications (general part), DUAE, models of verbal processes view DUAE, view offers, interim evaluation minutes, procedure report
  • assistance with loading into SEAP and submission for validation, including electronic signing of documents with extended signature
  • assistance in remedying any observation from ANAP
  • assistance during the procedure, until the offers are received: answers to requests for clarifications (including management of communication with other parties/suppliers involved), formulation of points of view on objections (if applicable), management of communication with ANAP observers
  • assistance in the evaluation process by involving an expert co-opted in the analysis of offers and managing communication with ANAP observers: DUAE analysis, formulation of requests for clarifications at the DUAE phase, technical evaluation, request for clarifications to the technical offer, interim financial evaluation, request for documents in supporting DUAE, drawing up the procedure report, sending communications, contracting
  • assistance in resolving appeals (if applicable)
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