PROJECTS dedicated to tourism enterprises, travel agencies, accommodation and food structures whose activity has been affected in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
NOTA BENE! Funding applications are selected based to their submission number and according to their eligibility criteria, based on the “first come – first served” principle
Eligible activities:
- Tourist agencies and tour operators activities; as well as other booking and assistance services, included in the following NACE list:
- 7911 – Travel agencies activities;
- 7912 – Tour operator activities;
- 7990 – Other booking services and tourist assistance;
- Hotels and other accommodation facilities, included in the following
NACE list:- 5510 – Hotels and other similar accommodation facilities;
- 5520 – Accommodation facilities for holidays and short periods of time;
- 5530 – Caravan parks, campsites and camps;
- 5590 – Other accommodation services;
- Restaurants and other foodservice activities, included in the following NACE list:
- 5610 -Restaurants;
- 5621 – Event catering activities;
- 5629 – Other catering related activities;
- 5630 – Bars and other beverage service activities.
Allocated budget for these projects:
The budget of the scheme is estimated at the amount equivalent in RON of EUR 500 million.
The state aid scheme provides support for an estimated number of 73,211 beneficiaries, out of which 15,168 accommodation structures, 52,583 food structures and 5,460 travel agencies.
Grant value:
The grant accorded through this scheme is 20% of the loss of turnover (resulting from the activities performed under the eligible NACE codes) in 2020, compared with the year 2019. The figures used must be gross, before deducting taxes or any other charges.
The maximum financial support that can be granted through this scheme is EUR 800,000 / beneficiary.
Eligible categories of beneficiaries:
The financial support may be granted to companies that are not and/or have not been in financial difficulty as of 31 December 2019 but have encountered or subsequently entered into financial difficulty due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As per exception, small and micro companies that were already in financial difficulty on 31 December 2019 are eligible for this type of financing only if they were NOT subject to collective insolvency procedures and had NOT received rescue or restructuring financial aid.
Companies that have received rescue financial support may benefit from this scheme only if they will repay the loan or conclude the rescue financing guarantee until the new subsidy is granted.
Companies that have received restructuring financial support may benefit from this scheme only if they will no longer be subject to a restructuring plan until the grant is allocated.
Beneficiaries must NOT be subject to a recovery decision of any state grants or, if they have been the subject of such a decision, the company can benefit from the financial support through this scheme only if the recovery plan has already been carried out and the claim fully recovered, together with its respective interest.
Beneficiary companies must also meet the following conditions in order to be eligible:
a) the already received grants consolidated to the one, that under this scheme do not exceed EUR 800,000;
b) it is not insolvent at the time of application under this state aid scheme.
Eligible companies:
- travel agents with valid tourist licenses from 01.01.2019 up to the date of this application, carrying out activities according to the following NACE codes 7911, 7912, 7990;
- tourist reception structures with accommodation functions which have classification certificates valid from 01.01.2019 up to the date of this application,
which carry out activities according to the following NACE codes 5510, 5520, 5530, 5590; - other catering related structures, carrying out activities according to the following NACE codes 5610, 5621, 5629, 5630.
Beneficiaries need to maintain the activity for which they obtained financial support for at least 6 months after the signing date of the financing contract
NOTA BENE! The non – refundable financial aid will be paid based on a financing contract, following the submission of an application form during the call for projects that will be organized by the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT). The signing of the financing contract with the beneficiary will be realized until June 30, 2021 the latest and the payment of the amounts will be done in 30 days from the signing of the financing contract.
We are available for any other details, at the following contact details:
Andreea CARP
Director EU Funds & Public Procurement
Mobile: +40 740 510304
Florin-Daniel Iordanescu
Project Manager
Mobile: (+40) 745 235 731